Today's Reading

Her first instinct was to talk to her father, but his death prevented her from ever gaining new insight into his expertise. Her second instinct was to contact Sergeant Magdalena Carrera. Maggie had mentored Bet during her time at the LAPD.

'We chicas need to stick together,' she'd said to Bet early on in her career, back when Bet still called her Sergeant.

But as good as Maggie was at her job, Bet doubted she'd have much advice about facing a blizzard.

'It's up to us, Schweitzer,' Bet said to the Anatolian shepherd sitting in her doorway. 'As long as no one has a heart attack after the storm hits, we'll be fine.' Schweitzer had a look on his face like he knew what was coming. He always could read her mood, not to mention the weather, and he'd been edgy all morning.

She had learned to read his mood too, and right now it wasn't good.

'It's going to be all right, Schweitz.' It surprised her to realize she believed her own words. She could handle this.

Lakers residents proudly took the nickname from their mysterious lake could hunker down in their valley and survive on their own. Everyone in town knew that if snow blocked them in and a helicopter couldn't fly, they had no access to a hospital. But Donna was good at her job too. Plus, it would only be for a couple of days.

The phone on her desk rang, jarring her from her thoughts.

As long as the ring didn't herald an emergency, everything would be fine. Bet rolled out in her black and white on the long teardrop of road that circled the valley. She didn't turn on her siren; there wasn't anyone on the loop to warn of her approach and the sound felt too loud, like a scream into the colorless void. The emergency lights on top of her SUV stained the white unmarked fields of snow on either side red, then blue, then red again, like blood streaking the ground. Her studded tires roared on the hard-packed snow, the surface easy to navigate at least for now.

The drive to Jeb Pearson's place took less than twenty minutes, even with the worsening conditions. Pearson's Ranch sat at the end of the valley farthest from the lake and the town center. The ranch occupied an area the locals called the 'Train Yard', though that name didn't show up on any official maps.

Long ago, the roundhouse for the Colliers' private railway perched there at the end of the tracks. The roundhouse was a huge, wedge-shaped brick structure, like one third of a pie with the tips of the slices bitten off. It was built to house the big steam engines owned by the Colliers. The facility could hold five engines, each pulled inside through giant glass and iron doors. Engines could be parked and serviced inside the roundhouse, while an enormous turntable sat out front to spin the engines around, sending them down different tracks in order to pass each other in opposite directions.

It was unlikely the Colliers ever housed five engines up here all at once, but they owned other mines around the state and had used engines in other places. It must have been reassuring to know that if they ever needed to, they could bring their assets up here, protected in their high-elevation fiefdom.

Jeb used the property as a summer camp for boys who struggled with drug and alcohol addictions, and guesthouses for snow adventure enthusiasts during the winter. Jeb lived there year-round, with a giant Newfoundland dog named Grizzly, a half a dozen horses, and one mini donkey named Dolly that helped him rehabilitate the boys.

Bet pulled up in front of the roundhouse. The cabins and other outbuildings stretched away from where she parked, with the barn the farthest from the road. The pastures were empty with the storm bearing down, the animals all safely tucked away in their stalls. Jeb stood out front with two bundled figures that must have been the father and son who were currently staying at his place. A third member of their party, the mother, was nowhere to be seen. 

Bet got out of her vehicle and walked over to where two of Jeb's snowmobiles were parked, running and ready to go. Layers of winter clothing padded Jeb's wiry form, his face ruddy in the arctic wind. 

'What have we got, Jeb?'

'Mark and Julia Crews and their son Jeremy came across what looks to be a solo wreck up on Iron Horse Ridge. They didn't have any details about the driver's condition, so I'm not sure what we're looking at. The parents wanted to protect their son and got him out of there before he could see anything gruesome. These two came down to get me while Mrs Crews stayed with the injured rider.'

Bet nodded to the man standing a few feet away. Only part of his face was visible through the balaclava he wore. His eyes looked haunted.

Join the Library's Online Book Clubs and start receiving chapters from popular books in your daily email. Every day, Monday through Friday, we'll send you a portion of a book that takes only five minutes to read. Each Monday we begin a new book and by Friday you will have the chance to read 2 or 3 chapters, enough to know if it's a book you want to finish. You can read a wide variety of books including fiction, nonfiction, romance, business, teen and mystery books. Just give us your email address and five minutes a day, and we'll give you an exciting world of reading.

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Today's Reading

Her first instinct was to talk to her father, but his death prevented her from ever gaining new insight into his expertise. Her second instinct was to contact Sergeant Magdalena Carrera. Maggie had mentored Bet during her time at the LAPD.

'We chicas need to stick together,' she'd said to Bet early on in her career, back when Bet still called her Sergeant.

But as good as Maggie was at her job, Bet doubted she'd have much advice about facing a blizzard.

'It's up to us, Schweitzer,' Bet said to the Anatolian shepherd sitting in her doorway. 'As long as no one has a heart attack after the storm hits, we'll be fine.' Schweitzer had a look on his face like he knew what was coming. He always could read her mood, not to mention the weather, and he'd been edgy all morning.

She had learned to read his mood too, and right now it wasn't good.

'It's going to be all right, Schweitz.' It surprised her to realize she believed her own words. She could handle this.

Lakers residents proudly took the nickname from their mysterious lake could hunker down in their valley and survive on their own. Everyone in town knew that if snow blocked them in and a helicopter couldn't fly, they had no access to a hospital. But Donna was good at her job too. Plus, it would only be for a couple of days.

The phone on her desk rang, jarring her from her thoughts.

As long as the ring didn't herald an emergency, everything would be fine. Bet rolled out in her black and white on the long teardrop of road that circled the valley. She didn't turn on her siren; there wasn't anyone on the loop to warn of her approach and the sound felt too loud, like a scream into the colorless void. The emergency lights on top of her SUV stained the white unmarked fields of snow on either side red, then blue, then red again, like blood streaking the ground. Her studded tires roared on the hard-packed snow, the surface easy to navigate at least for now.

The drive to Jeb Pearson's place took less than twenty minutes, even with the worsening conditions. Pearson's Ranch sat at the end of the valley farthest from the lake and the town center. The ranch occupied an area the locals called the 'Train Yard', though that name didn't show up on any official maps.

Long ago, the roundhouse for the Colliers' private railway perched there at the end of the tracks. The roundhouse was a huge, wedge-shaped brick structure, like one third of a pie with the tips of the slices bitten off. It was built to house the big steam engines owned by the Colliers. The facility could hold five engines, each pulled inside through giant glass and iron doors. Engines could be parked and serviced inside the roundhouse, while an enormous turntable sat out front to spin the engines around, sending them down different tracks in order to pass each other in opposite directions.

It was unlikely the Colliers ever housed five engines up here all at once, but they owned other mines around the state and had used engines in other places. It must have been reassuring to know that if they ever needed to, they could bring their assets up here, protected in their high-elevation fiefdom.

Jeb used the property as a summer camp for boys who struggled with drug and alcohol addictions, and guesthouses for snow adventure enthusiasts during the winter. Jeb lived there year-round, with a giant Newfoundland dog named Grizzly, a half a dozen horses, and one mini donkey named Dolly that helped him rehabilitate the boys.

Bet pulled up in front of the roundhouse. The cabins and other outbuildings stretched away from where she parked, with the barn the farthest from the road. The pastures were empty with the storm bearing down, the animals all safely tucked away in their stalls. Jeb stood out front with two bundled figures that must have been the father and son who were currently staying at his place. A third member of their party, the mother, was nowhere to be seen. 

Bet got out of her vehicle and walked over to where two of Jeb's snowmobiles were parked, running and ready to go. Layers of winter clothing padded Jeb's wiry form, his face ruddy in the arctic wind. 

'What have we got, Jeb?'

'Mark and Julia Crews and their son Jeremy came across what looks to be a solo wreck up on Iron Horse Ridge. They didn't have any details about the driver's condition, so I'm not sure what we're looking at. The parents wanted to protect their son and got him out of there before he could see anything gruesome. These two came down to get me while Mrs Crews stayed with the injured rider.'

Bet nodded to the man standing a few feet away. Only part of his face was visible through the balaclava he wore. His eyes looked haunted.

Join the Library's Online Book Clubs and start receiving chapters from popular books in your daily email. Every day, Monday through Friday, we'll send you a portion of a book that takes only five minutes to read. Each Monday we begin a new book and by Friday you will have the chance to read 2 or 3 chapters, enough to know if it's a book you want to finish. You can read a wide variety of books including fiction, nonfiction, romance, business, teen and mystery books. Just give us your email address and five minutes a day, and we'll give you an exciting world of reading.

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